Community-Based Urban Greening Planning
Atlas Green Works is your partner in creating vibrant green spaces for urban communities. Our project management team specializes in community-based urban greening planning that is tailored to the needs of local citizens. With our comprehensive services and sustainable solutions, we ensure that your vision for a beautiful and functional green space becomes a reality.
Schedule a consultation with us today at (818) 424-6582, and let's start planning the best urban green spaces for your community.
Urban Green Planning Services for A Better Future
At Atlas Green Works, we offer a range of services to help you create sustainable, community-based urban green spaces that meet the needs of residents now and into the future.
Our services include:
- Developing a sustainable urban greening implementation plan.
- Community-based planning to move your priority opportunities/projects to the concept design stage.
- Capital project fund development to secure funding for your project(s), and the creation of public-private partnerships designed to provide both the development and long-term sustainability, i.e., operations and maintenance of the new facilities.
- Bid/proposal processes to identify and secure the best contractors for the job.
- Contract administration, project management, and construction management to ensure that the project is completed on time and on budget.
Our urban green space planning and project management services help local organizations and institutions make a lasting, positive impact on their communities. Get started on a better tomorrow by calling our team today and booking a consultation meeting.
Eco-Friendly Urban Planning
Our team of experts is committed to providing innovative solutions that reduce the environmental impact of urban development while promoting a higher quality of life for residents.
We work closely with community organizations to ensure that our designs meet the needs and preferences of the local residents who’ll most benefit from our installation. Our team utilizes low impact development (LID) designs and practices to reduce stormwater runoff, more efficiently utilize irrigation and to utilize plants suitable for the local climate to craft sustainable greening projects.
From community-based planning to construction management, we help with every aspect of creating vibrant, eco-friendly and functional urban green spaces.
Atlas Green Works’ Urban Greening Planning Projects
We’ve been privileged to work with many different clients to create urban green spaces that beautify neighborhoods, more efficiently utilize existing natural resources, and that increase community pride. Our work contributes to supporting physical and mental health among local residents and enhancing the area’s green connectivity to the greater surrounding community.
Notable projects include:
- San Pedro Urban Greening Implementation Plan
- Oros Green Street Planning, Design, and Construction Project
- Laurel Canyon Boulevard Green Street Construction Project
- Heritage Point Park Construction Project
- Wrigley Greenbelt Construction Project
- Compton Creek Natural Park Construction Project
A Passion For Urban Greening Planning And Community Development
At ATLAS GREEN WORKS we're all about creating sustainable and beautiful urban green spaces that enhance the living experience for local communities. With our extensive education in landscape and urban design and nearly 40 years of experience, our team is equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide you with the best solutions for your urban greening project.
Contact Us Today and Create a Greener Urban Tomorrow
We’re your partner in creating green spaces that improve the quality of life for local communities. Whether you’re looking to create a small community park or a large urban green space or a complete network of urban green spaces and connectivity our team of experts can help.
Contact us today at (818) 424-6582 to get started on your urban green space.