Atlas Green Works was founded by Larry Smith in 2009 to pursue two (2) professional services/product development endeavors. The first is to provide construction management and project management services for municipal public works and park construction projects (though we do provide a host of other consulting services - SEE BELOW UNDER "CONSULTING SERVICES"). The second is to develop alternative smaller scale (less than municipal scale) waste management technology (SEE ATLASGREENWORKS.TECHNOLOGY - UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
Our diverse experience uniquely positions us to take on "challenging" projects; projects that have stalled during the pre-construction phase - most often grant-funded projects that were underfunded with the original grant and have run out of funds to complete the pre-construction phase. In such circumstances we offer a "turnkey" solution that includes value engineering, bid documents development, contract negotiation, and construction and project management through project close-out. Our clients have been both public agencies and non-profits. Such projects typically involve successful solicitation of additional funding required to complete the project, and the assemblage of a project team consisting of significant community stakeholders, responsible agencies across multiple political jurisdictions, and a varied array of funders.
We do believe that public-private partnerships are critical to the success of such projects. Our list of projects is a testimony to that.
Atlas Green Works does have a philosophical foundation that takes this idea of a public-private partnership one step further - that private enterprise can not only provide government infrastructure improvement and management services, but also own, improve, and operate such infrastructure. This approach allows for the generation of the revenue required to cover the cost of these services while providing good or better-quality infrastructure construction, operations, and maintenance. We understand that there are examples of the application of this approach at varying scales. Our goal is to demonstrate that such an approach can work at both smaller and larger scales of development and operation. The more typical example is the contracting out of the operations and maintenance of parks and open space, as well as some street maintenance operations. Contracting out engineering/design, planning, and contract administration services is also seen at the smaller city or contract city levels. What is not common is for private enterprises to provide revenue generating services that fund capital improvements, operations, and maintenance. The barrier to such an approach is typically institutional.
Atlas Green Works aims to provide/develop models of cross-stakeholder replicable success. Our particular interest is to prove that this can be done within a "non-corporate city" for an entire complete public "corridor"/full public right-of-way - above ground, at grade and below ground infrastructure - sidewalks, curb and gutters, streets, underground and above ground utilities, street site furnishings and amenities.
We further believe that smart green infrastructure can contribute mightily to this success in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner.

Finally, we believe that our "community development" approach is a catalyst for productive conversion of non-performing/derelict urban properties. Every city has hundreds, if not thousands, of acres of such property, land leftover from other urban and open space development usually because it is either environmentally deleterious or unavailable for improvement because of unresolved easement, tax delinquency, or other financial/ownership issues.
Nearly all the projects that have been constructed under the management of Atlas Green Works have been just these kinds of properties. PLEASE SEE OUR PROJECTS PAGES FOR SUCCESS STORIES.

- Urban Greening Planning
- Community Based Planning
- Project Management – Turnkey Parks & Streetscape Public Works Low Impact Development
- Pre-Construction Services
- Bid Package
- Contract Negotiation
- Value Engineering
- Contract Administration
- Permits Acquisition
- Business Development & Fundraising/Grant Writing
- Construction Management – Parks & Streetscape/Public Works Low Impact Development (LID)
- Work Force Development
- Environmental Education Programs
- Urban Forest Master/Management Plan Implementation
- Contract Urban Forestry
- Urban Forest Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technical Support & Project Management
- San Pedro Urban Greening Implementation Plan
- Oros Green Street Planning & Construction Project
- Laurel Canyon Blvd. Green Street Construction Project
- Heritage Point Park Construction Project
- Wrigley Greenbelt Construction Project
- Compton Creek Natural Park Phase I
- Parque Dos Rios Habitat Restoration Project
- Honolulu Urban Forest Master Plan
- Los Angeles - Long Beach Blue Line 23-mile Landscape Construction Project
- Greater Los Angeles Electric Trolley Bus Project